
get your free Business Website Ideas

Choose the Subject of Your Business Website Carefully

Below you'll find a complete list of business website starter ideas. Choose the one (or two) that best fits your area of interest or expertise. You'll find many of these on the list of 101 personal Website ideas also, as many personal sites turn into business sites.

1. Scenic Photography -- Buying and distributing photographs to calendar companies, postcard companies, magazines, etc...

2. Baby Tips -- Have a resource site for new and/or expectant mothers and sell related products.

3. Wedding Ideas -- Make deals with local catering services, photographers, and bridal shops to receive a commission for sales generated from your Website.

4. Parenting Tips -- Write an informational e-book about parenting.

5. Pet Training -- Pet store online with free tips on training and grooming.

6. Camping -- Camping tips and resources.

7. Fishing

8. Travel (Tell others about the places your family has travelled - provide photos, maps, great eating places, etc. You can distribute a monthly "paid" newsletter about travel.)

9. College Resources (School supplies distributor, online college bookstore, etc.)

10. Crafts

11. Wood Products (Ideas for creative wood furniture along with instructions and material resources.)

12. Sewing (Share your special sewing techniques with others around the world.)

13. Office Organization (You'll find that people who run a busy office are always looking for ways to improve the office atmosphere. You can show how to organize, prepare paperwork, manage and distribute work load, etc.)

14. Music (Music lovers will adore you for building a resource site for music lyrics, musical instruments and where to get them, music reading tips, etc...)

15. Movies

16. Advertising

17. Gardening

18. Sports

19. Computer Training

20. Ceramics

21. Electronics

22. Business Services -- Bookeeping, transcription, accounting, computer programming, etc.

23. Special Interest (Perhaps you're a huge fan of a certain collectible item and would like to become a distributor or reseller.)

24. Horseback Riding Resources and Supplies

25. Bike Riding Resources and Supplies

26. Mountain Climbing Resources and Supplies

27. Racing

28. Fishing

29. Writing -- Provide writing secrets in a paid monthly newsletter.

30. Reading -- Provide services or materials that help children learn to read.

31. Surfing (in the ocean, of course)

32. Singing Lessons

33. Teaching Skill Course

34. Composing Music -- Resources

35. Instrumental (piano, guitar, drums, trumpet, etc...)

36. Cooking Tips -- Offer a cooking tips newsletter.

37. Cooking Recipes (Perhaps you've discovered the secret to cooking brocolli casserole just right, or... know someone who has?)

38. Jokes (Build a site of jokes to keep your visitors laughing and laughing and laughing...ha...ha... Send a joke a day via email for a small fee.)

39. Comedy (Not limited to jokes, but just fun stuff you find on the Web.)

40. Art -- Open an online art gallery.

41. Astronomy

42. Chemistry (Maybe you've found a simple solution to help students improve their understanding of chemistry and could sell a report about it.)

43. Engineering

44. Electronics

45. Vitamins

46. Medicine

47. Herbs

48. Mountains -- Books about, reports, travel guides

49. Oceans

50. Mysterious Discoveries -- Newsletter, books about, reports

51. Animals

52. Cultures -- Newsletter, reports, books

53. Religion

54. Geography -- Maps, guides, pictures, etc.

55. Holidays (Have a Holiday theme for your site - change your site to suit each season.)

56. Languages (Include a listing of each language you can find and provide links to Websites that teach different languages.)

57. Enviroment

58. Boating

59. Government

60. Psychology

61. Games (Provide links to places where people can play free games online -- not necessarily gambling -- but, Monopoly, Scrabble, Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy found at Sony.com, etc.....)

62. Interior Decorating

63. Catering

64. Fashion

65. Farming

66. Garage/Yard Sales

67. Weather

68. Women

69. Men

70. Health

71. Excercise

72. Retirement (Information about successful retirement, best retirement locations in the world, money management, etc....)

73. Stock Market/Investing

74. Special Interest Books

75. Vacationing

76. Weight Loss (Tell how you lost weight to help others.)

77. Aging

78. Teenage Years

79. Home Care and Aid (Give tips about how to care for elderly or disabled loved ones, resources for medical assistance, etc...)

80. Grandparenting

81. Handy Work (Maybe you can offer great tips for fixing things around the house.)

82. Tools

83. Flying (airplanes, helicopters, etc....)

84. House Keeping

85. Flowers

86. Pottery

87. Children (Develop a site for children or about children.)

88. Gold/Silver (coin collections, value, going prices)

89. Unique Jewely

90. Cosmetics/Beauty

91. Hunting

92. National Parks

93. Archeology (An up-to-date factual site about ancient artifacts or a study of the history of archeology will be sufficient.)

94. Poetry

95. Shopping (Tell about your shopping experiences with local stores or National chains.)

96. Real Estate (Provide a free real estate site for your area.)

97. Safety (First aid tips and maneuver demonstrations for life-saving.)

98. Science Fiction

99. Marriage Secrets (Website tips for men and women to make their marriage work.)

100. News (Provide daily or weekly updated news for your local region.)

101. Entertainment (Your local area may benefit from an informative entertainment site -- new movie arrivals at the theater, special events in your town or surrounding areas, etc....)


few Search Engine Optimization tips for dummies

Higher Search engine placement: Having a website for your business is a great way to advertise and attract customers. However, simply having an online presence is not enough. A website requires visitors interested in the product or the service that is being provided. Interested visitors lead to better conversions and a more productive online presence with increased online traffic. To sample what the site offers, potential visitors should be able to "find" your site when searching for a similar service or product.
Through a search engine placement service you can ensure that your site is displayed to the right audience in terms of the product or service available on the website. Your website should rank at least within the top 30 search engine matches for a particular search word if you want your site to be found. You can improve search engine placement by optimizing the site for the right set of search terms.
A better search engine rank can be achieved by optimization as it ensures that the site shows up when a user searches for a keyword closely related to what is provided on the website. The site is optimized for a set of keywords that fall within the broad theme of the product and services offered online. The more pertinent the information (available on a webpage) is to the search query the better are the chances of the site ranking for the keyword and for showing up in the Search engine results, when a search for the keyword is made.
There are a number of things that you need to do in order to achieve a better search engine rank. You need to be sure that you optimize each aspect of your web page, and not just the home page. Individual pages can serve as a landing page for a specific service or product. In order to rank a website, Search engines identify various aspects on an existing page. These aspects are referred to as algorithms. Certain aspects may vary but most search engines follow some common guidelines in establishing the relevancy of a webpage to the searched query. Optimization takes care that most of these common guidelines are adhered to.
Search engines take into account the entire text available on the site. Each page is analyzed with regard to the content including all the tags, sub divisions, location of each word etc. In order to improve search engine placement for a specific topic, all of the pages of your website need to be optimized for that topic. Different pages of the website can be optimized for a different set of keywords. It is important that all the keywords optimized on a single page are related to the topic provided on the page.
Ensure that you cover a good range of relevant keywords that users are likely to search for when searching for a product offered on your site. A comprehensive keyword research analysis is critical at this point. A search engine optimization services program should include a detailed list of keywords and key phrases. Using the selected keywords within the pages in a natural manner without distorting the meaning of the content gives the page a chance of a better search engine ranking. In addition other factors like page size, keyword placement, density etc. also contribute in the assessment of a page for displaying in the SERPs.
Additionally internal links within the site pages help as Search engines follow links within a site. External links are extremely important in optimization. A link from a related website to your site is considered a recommendation from the original site. To get the desired ranking a website requires a combination of optimized web page content and quality external one way links.
An initial list should identify as many keywords as possible that are related to your website and target audience. There a number of online Keyword Research tools that can be used to find the number of searches being made on a particular term and also seek other alternate related terms. Each page on your website could be dealing with a different topic (product or service). The keywords for each page should be relevant to the topic discussed on the page.
This should also include analyzing the competition for the search terms listed. This will give an idea of how many pages are competing for the top spot. Your site's Page Rank is also an important parameter in keyword research analysis. If your site has a high Page rank then it has a better chance of ranking for a highly competitive keyword else it is better to focus on more specific keywords. Once the right set of keywords are identified then incorporating these within the content of the website takes you one step closer to better search engine placement. Focusing on the wrong keywords can result in higher investments and lower returns. Hiring an seo services provider can help identify the right revenue generating keywords for improved search engine rankings so that you move one step closer to your business goals.


Guest Post for Links & Exposure in Search Engine Optimization

In years past general article submissions to sites like EzineArticles was a great strategy, but in early 2008 Google stripped the ability of many of the article banks from being able to pass PageRank, so the upside of writing articles for generic general article banks is fairly limited unless the strategy is used in conjunction with other link building strategies.

More recently some hub based websites (like Squidoo, HubPages, and Work.com) have launched accepting how to guides from topical experts. It is easy to get published on these sites. Some of them use rel=nofollow on outbound links for new publishers, but as you gain experience and trust in their algorithms those limitations typically get lifted.

Some bloggers have thousands of readers, and through buying a lot of ads on blogs you could hope to tap some of that traffic flow. But what if there was a cheaper and more effective way of borrowing their traffic? There is. Guest posts!

The essense of guest posts is you find related popular blogs and follow them for a while. Then after you understand their editorial style and direction, and have participated in the community for a while you can ask if you could write a guest article for their site. The beauty of this strategy is that you not only get a quality low risk link, but you also get to appear in front of hundreds or thousands of subscribers who read that site.